Scott Cooper

Scott Cooper, District 3 Commissioner

Scott is the newest member of the Port Commission, joining it in 2014. He is an executive with the North Mason Regional Fire Authority, where he has served for the past 14 years, and holds the rank of Assistant Fire Chief. Prior to that, he spent 14 years in the Federal Fire Service serving at the Naval Submarine Base at Bangor. In his position with the Fire Authority, he oversees all its 11 facilities as well as their ongoing maintenance and upgrades. He is also responsible for all of the Authority's rolling stock and equipment, including all repairs, maintenance, and preventative maintenance.

A Lynch Cove resident since 2011, he has also operated a small business since 1994, specializing in home repair and maintenance, and stump removal.

Scott's community service includes the Mason County Training Officers, Mason County Fire Chiefs Association, Mason County Fire Investigation Association, and the board of the Mason County Economic Development Council.

scooper [at] portofallyn [dot] com   

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