Port of Allyn Receives Clean Audit

The Port of Allyn has received a clean audit from the Washington State Auditor’s Office for the period covering January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2018. The audit covered the areas representing the highest risk of fraud, loss, abuse and non-compliance. Those areas are Cash Receipting — timeliness and completion of deposits; Accounts Payable; Credit Cards; Payroll; Contract Compliance; and Open Public Meetings — which included documentation of minutes, executive sessions, and Special Meetings.

In the exit conference held on January 29, with both the Auditor who did the actual work, and the Audit Manager for the district, the Port Commission and staff were informed that the Port had successfully complied with all laws and procedures covering all of those areas, as well as its own policies and procedures. Consequently, there were no findings and no management letter needed to be issued.

The Auditor only had two recommendations — that when credit cards are used for meal purchases that an itemized receipt be provided rather than a general receipt, and noted that while all account reconciliations were in order and reviewed properly, that the reviews be signed as well. Other than that, there were no issues of concern.

Also as a part of the audit, a citizen complaint filed with the State Auditor’s office on October 2, by a Belfair resident was also addressed. The complainant alleged that the Port had violated the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA); improperly advertised a Public Hearing; and claimed there was a violation of the OPMA that resulted in a Conflict of Interest on the part of a Commissioner. In a letter to the complainant dated January 30, and copied to the Port, the complainant was notified that the Port had acted legally on all issues raised, and the complaint was found to be without merit.

“The Port works hard to be as transparent as possible in every way, and to safeguard the taxpayer’s money to the very best of our ability,” said Commission Chair Ted Jackson. “We’re pleased to know the State Auditor has found us to be doing just that.”